Advertiser Users Report


Permissioning for this Endpoint

This endpoint can only be used by Client Admins or above


usersobjectThe object containing the list of users and their details
user_idintThe user ID
statusstringThe status of the user. Can either be active, inactive, or pending.
namestringThe first and last name of the user.
emailstringThe email of the user.
role_namestringThe role of the user. Please work with your Koddi team to determine which roles are configured for your client.
advertiser_namestringThen name of the associated advertiser.
last_loginstringThe date and time of the last time the user logged into the platform.
created_byintThe ID of the user that created this user.
created_by_emailintThe email of the user that created this user.
created_atstringThe date and time the user was created.

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