Campaign - Experiences - Partial


idintThe id of the campaign
advertiser_idintThe advertiser ID that corresponds to the campaign
namestringThe name of the campaign
start_datestringThe start date of the campaign
end_datestringThe end date of the campaign
statusstringThe campaign status
always_onboolThe always on flag
is_auto_bidboolThe automation for base bid flag
enable_frequency_cappingboolThe frequency capping flag
frequency_cappingstringThe frequency capping amount
pacingstringThe pacing type. Possible values: Evenly, ASAP
budgetobjectThe budget details of the campaign
typestringThe type of budget
amountfloatThe budget amount
primary_goalobjectThe primary goal for the campaign
typestringThe goal type. Possible values are ROAS, GRE, Spend, and Volume.
valuestringThe goal value
errorobjectThe object containing the details of any errors that may have occured with the call
errorstringThe error message
codeintThe code corresponding to the type of error
payloadarray of stringsA list of error messages describing which validations failed, in addition to the first error message
metadataobjectThe campaign metadata

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