

advertiser_idintThe advertiser id
namestringThe advertiser name
member_idintThe member id
descriptionstringThe advertiser’s description
ad_categoryad category objectThe ad category of the advertiser
idintThe ad category id
namestringThe ad category name
parent_idintThe ad category parent id
child_idintThe ad category child id
agency_namestringThe agency name
timezonetimezone objectThe timezone of the advertiser
idintThe timezone id
namestringThe timezone name
utc_offsetfloatThe timezone utc offset
utc_offset_dstfloatThe timezone utc offset dst
currencycurrency objectThe currency of the advertiser
idintThe currency id
namestringThe currency name
codestringThe currency code
symbolstringThe currency symbol
is_demoboolThe is demo int flag
contact_namestringThe contact name
contact_address1stringThe contract address first line
contact_address2stringThe contract address second line
contact_citystringThe contact city
contact_countrystringThe contact country
contact_statestringThe contact state
contact_zipstringThe contact zip
contact_emailstringThe contact email
deletedboolThe deleted flag
statusstringThe status. A new advertiser should always have a status of pending
is_demoboolthe is demo flag
created_atstringThe date time the advertiser was created
last_modifiedstringThe date time the advertiser was last modified
last_edited_byintThe id of the user to last edit the advertiser
member_group_idintThe member group id
entity_countintThe entity count of the advertiser
advertiser_group_idintThe advertiser group id
billingbilling objectThe billing of an advertiser
invoice_method_idintThe billing method id
namestringThe billing name
emailstringThe billing email
addressstringThe billing address
address_line_2stringThe second line of the billing address
citystringThe billing city
countrystringThe billing country
statestringThe billing state
zipstringThe billing zip code
tax_typestringThe tax type for your advertiser. This is currently used in Stripe to determine country and type of tax the tax_id will apply to.
tax_idstringThe tax ID for your advertiser. This is currently used in Stripe to link your payments to your tax entity in the applicable country.
entities_filterarray of objectsThe list of applied filters that the automated entity assignment process will adhere to when assigning entities to the advertiser. Filters on multiple entity attributes can be applied to a single advertiser
entities_filter.fieldstringThe name of the entity attribute being filtered on for the automated entity assignment process
entities_filter.operationboolThe operator for the configured filter
entities_filter.valuearray of stringsThe value of the entity attribute to be filtered on
additional_entities_filterarray of stringsThe list of specific entities that will be added to the ad group in the automated entity assignment process. Entities from the filters and an explicit list of entities will be included in the automated entity assignment process if both arrays are included when creating the advertiser

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