Error Codes Reference

1001start cannot be zero or negative
1002count cannot be negative
1004no roles found
1005invalid role id
1006could not retrieve activities for that role
1007no activities found for that role
1008an unexpected error occurred
1009unable to retrieve session information
1010unable to bulk update ad group budgets
1011no data returned by report
1012report type is invalid
1013status is invalid
1014operation is invalid: {{operation}}
1015or_group is invalid: {{orGroup}}
1016dimension is invalid: {{dimension}}
1030invalid child id
1031invalid child dimension
1032could not retrieve media plan data
1033could not find media plan
1034media plan not valid for advertiser
1035could not retrieve line item data
1036could not find line item
1037could not retrieve media strategy data
1038could not find channel
1039could not retrieve campaign data
1040could not find campaign
1041could not retrieve ad group data
1042could not find ad group
1043could not retrieve ad group bidders
1044could not find ad group bidders
1045could not retrieve ad group targeting
1046could not find ad group targeting
1047invalid dimension type ‘{{dimensionName}}’
1048could not add dimension to chain
1050invalid URL parameter {{key}}: {{error}}
1051could not find advertiser
1054{{parameter}} is missing or invalid
1055user_id is missing or invalid
1056koddi_entity_id is missing or invalid
1057could not find user
1058could not retrieve koddi entity
1059could not retrieve timezone
1060the user is already attached to the entity
1061timezone_id is missing or invalid
1062could not retrieve koddi entity user
1063unable to create koddi entity user
1064unable to update koddi entity user
1065unable to delete koddi entity user
1066budget type is not valid
1067failed to resend signup email
1068could not retrieve member group
1069could not decode request
1070unable to create member group
1071unable to update member group
1072dimension cannot be edited once it has ended
1073dimension start date cannot be edited once it is in-progress
1074dimension cannot be activated if the parent is paused
1075dimension cannot be activated if there are not active children
1076dimension dates are not within range of parent
1077dimension dates are not within range of children
1078unable to delete a non-pending dimension item
1079unexpected error occurred: {{errorMessage}}
1080could not find campaign {{campaignId}}
1081start date has not been set
1082end date has not been set
1083start date cannot be in the past
1084can only activate or pause the dimension
1085unable to change the status of a pending or ended dimension
1086can only set the status to pending for new dimensions
1087unable to create user
1088user already exists for that email or user name
1089could not find permissions for that user
1090unable to create the role for the user
1091failed to retrieve user member group permissions
1092failed to retrieve user permissions
1093failed to retrieve user
1094failed to delete user
1095could not find user roles
1096failed to update user
1097failed to update user role
1098invalid user role
1099failed to retrieve member group
1100could not find member group {{memberGroupId}}
1101could not find advertiser group {{advertiserGroupId}}
1102failed to retrieve advertiser group
1103failed to retrieve advertiser
1104failed to save user role(s)
1105failed to save user member group role(s)
1106failed to save user advertiser group role(s)
1107failed to save user advertiser role(s)
1108advertiser group not valid for member group
1109advertiser not valid for member group
1110advertiser not valid for advertiser group
1111could not find advertiser groups for user {{userId}}
1112failed to retrieve industry
1113failed to delete campaign {{campaignId}}
1114failed to delete campaign {{campaignId}} children
1115could not retrieve member group type
1116failed to validate request: {{customMsg}}
1117payload is invalid
1118could not find currencies
1119failed to retrieve currencies
1121failed to retrieve tactic channel publishers for industry {{industryId}}
1122could not find tactic channel publishers for industry {{industryId}}
1123ad group parents set to paused
1124dimension cannot be activated manually
1125failed to retrieve ad group parent data
1126failed to pause children dimensions
1127{{dimensionName}} already exists in this {{dimensionType}} id
1128start and end date are not within parent's date range
1129failed to retrieve user advertiser group permissions
1130failed to retrieve user advertiser permissions
1131unable to create advertiser
1132failed to retrieve user report
1133failed to post advertiser group advertisers
1134failed to retrieve user report
1135failed to retrieve timezone
1136could not retrieve timezone with id {timezoneId}
1137failed to retrieve ad category
1138no ad category found with id {adCategoryId}
1139failed to retrieve member
1140could not retrieve member with id {memberId}
1141name cannot be empty
1142agency name cannot be empty
1143failed to retrieve currency
1144could not retrieve currency with id {currencyId}
1145contact name cannot be empty
1146contact email cannot be empty
1147can only set the status to pending for new advertisers
1148failed to retrieve tactic channel publishers for channel ids
1149tactic channel and publisher combination requested does not exist
1150advertiser name {advertiserName} already exists in client
1151failed to save advertiser tactic channel publisher association
1152could not find advertisers for userId {userId}
1153failed to retrieve owners for advertiser
1154no owners found for that advertiser
1155member id is invalid
1156advertiser group id is invalid
1157ad category id is invalid
1158currency id is invalid
1159tactic channel id is invalid
1160publisher id is invalid
1161currency cannot be edited
1162timezone cannot be edited
1163failed to retrieve tactic channel and publisher for this advertiser
1164failed to retrieve tactic channel and publisher for this advertiser
1165failed to delete advertiser
1166failed to delete advertiser industry tactic channel publisher association
1167unable to edit advertiser
1168member group id does not match
1169ad category id does not match
1170advertiser group id does not match
1171failed to retrieve locale {{localeId}}
1172could not find locale {{localeId}}
1173failed to retrieve list of locales
1174could not find any locales
1175failed to update the user’s login time
1176failed to add advertiser user association
1177could not find member group
1178Could not get data for Member Group Report from database
1179failed to delete advertiser group {{advertiserGroupId}}
1180advertiser group is already assigned to advertiser
1181failed to update advertiser group id for advertiser
1182failed to remove advertiser group {{advertiserGroupId}} from advertisers
1183failed to post advertiser entities
1184failed to retrieve tactic channel publishers for member group {{memberGroupId}}
1185could not find tactic channel publishers for member group {{memberGroupId}}
1186failed to retrieve tactic channel publishers for advertiser {{advertiserId}}
1187could not find tactic channel publishers for advertiser {{advertiserId}}
1188failed to user navigation counts by user id
1189cannot create a non-pending member group
1190advertiser group is not assigned for this advertiser
1191could not find member group type {{memberGroupTypeId}}
1192error while validating advertiser with advertiser name and client id
1193could not retrieve member with member group id {{memberGroupId}}
1194failed to post users advertiser groups
1195failed to save member group tactic channel publisher association
1196failed to update ad groups in campaign
1197failed to retrieve campaign parent dimensions
1198failed to delete campaign parent dimensions
1199campaign budget type doesn't match parent's budget type
1200end date must be empty when always on is true
1201budget type cannot be custom when always on is true
1202dimension cannot be always on when parent dimension is not always on
1203failed to update user as user id differs from session
1209cannot disable always on when there are children with always on enabled
1210start and end date does not cover children's date
1211failed to validate always on
1212failed to delete session
1213ad group budget type doesn't match parent's budget type
1214could not find media strategy
1215failed to send forgot password email
1216failed to change password
1217failed to authenticate
1218failed to log out
1219failed to get advertiser count in member group
1220failed to refresh session
1221failed to login
1222failed to set permanent password
1223failed to get password policy
1224failed to commit transactions
1225failed to rollback transactions
1226cannot change the demo flag
1227failed to send event message
1228failed to update media plan
1229failed to delete media plan
1230failed to delete media plan children
1231failed to create media plan
1232association already exists
1233failed to get Uber API token
1234failed to get entity
1235channel name cannot be edited
1236failed to get media plans for advertiser id
1237failed to create line item
1238failed to update line item
1239failed to delete user role(s)
1240failed to delete user advertiser role(s)
1241failed to delete user advertiser group role(s)
1242failed to delete user member group role(s)
1243failed to validate budget: {{customMsg}}
1244failed to delete ad group
1245failed to delete ad group bidders
1246failed to delete ad group user targeting
1247failed to get ad group by advertiser id
1248invalid email
1249failed to get budget from event collection
1250advertiser group already exists with that name {{name}}
1251failed to update advertiser group
1252failed to create advertiser group
1254failed to create entity registration event
1255failed to create entity registration event details
1256failed to generate the failed entity details report
1257the confirmation code was empty
1258Failed to get Active Entity Registration Event Ids
1259Unable to register while registration event already in progress
1260Failed to find or hide events for the advertiser
1261Failed to find entity detail id
1262Failed to find or hide event
1263failed to bulk post campaign budget from event colletion
1264failed to retrieve campaign ad group budgets
1265cannot change budget type when status is not pending
1266failed to update the campaign
1267failed to retrieve terms and conditions acceptance
1268failed to find entity details by id
1269failed to find events by advertiser and member group
1271failed to reset all terms and conditions acceptance for member group {{memberGroupId}}
1272failed to insert terms and conditions tracker
1273failed to update statuses of ad groups
1274could not find the koddi entity
1275could not find terms and conditions acceptance
1276failed to add entities to ad groups
1277ad group {{adGroupId}} is under advertiser {{advertiserId}} which is not valid for entity {{koddiEntityId}}
1278failed to add terms and conditions acceptance
1279could not find advertiser ids with user id and member group id
1280Failed to update media plan children
1281failed to post terms and conditions acceptance to uber api
1282failed to remove koddi entities from ad groups
1283bidders for the entities and ad groups does not exist
1284failed to adjust koddi entity ad group bids
1285user does not have a sub id set
1286invalid bid adjustment type: {{bidAdjustmentType}}
1287bid adjustment action must be empty for type: {{bidAdjustmentType}}
1288bid adjustment action required for type: {{bidAdjustmentType}}
1289invalid bid adjustment action: {{bidAdjustmentAction}}
1290failed to update campaign parents
1291failed to update ad group
1292failed to retrieve user activity permissions
1293failed to retrieve role type.
1294failure on checking role is in role type
1295Role {{roleId}} cannot be assigned to {{roleTypeName}}
1296could not find campaign {{campaignId}} for advertiser {{advertiserId}}
1297end date cannot be in the past
1298no role type found
1299no matching timezones found
1300invalid decimal form
1301failed to retrieve ending ad groups
1302no ending ad groups found
1303failed to update ad group {{adGroupId}} to ended
1304failed to retrieve ending campaigns
1305no ending campaigns found
1306failed to update campaign {{campaignId}} to ended
1307failed to retrieve ending media strategies
1308no ending media strategies found
1309failed to update media strategy {{mediaStrategyId}} to ended
1310failed to retrieve ending line items
1311no ending line items found
1312failed to update line item to ended
1313failed to retrieve ending line items
1314no ending media plan found
1315failed to update media plan to ended
1316failed to get advertiser ad groups
1317ad groups not found for advertiser {{advertiserId}} ids: {{adGroupIds}}
1318failed to end dimensions
1322failed to retrieve starting ad groups
1323no starting ad groups found
1324failed to update ad group {{adGroupId}} to started
1325failed to retrieve starting campaigns
1326no starting campaigns found
1327failed to update campaign {{campaignId}} to started
1328failed to retrieve starting media strategies
1329no starting media strategies found
1330failed to update media strategy {{mediaStrategyId}} to started
1331failed to retrieve starting line items
1332no starting line items found
1333failed to update line item {{lineItemId}} to started
1334failed to retrieve starting line items
1335no starting media plan found
1336failed to update media plan {{mediaPlanId}} to started
1337failed to start dimensions
1338missing required access level
1339failed to find user to advertiser association
1340failed to find user to member group association
1341could not find bidding configuration
1342failed to retrieve bidding configuration
1343could not find tactic channel publisher
1344failed to retrieve tactic channel publisher
1345failed to create ad group
1346invalid bid amount
1347failed to retrieve ad group
1348missing access to advertiser
1349missing access to member group
1350failed to create ad group bidder
1351failed to update ad group bidder
1352failed to update ad group user targeting
1353could not find ad group user targeting
1354failed to retrieve ad group user targeting
1355failed to create ad group user targeting
1356invalid targeting type
1357group cannot be blank
1358dimension can not be paused while in pending status
1359goal value cannot be blank
1360start date can not be equal to end date
1363dimension can not be ended while in pending status
1365name cannot be blank
1366frequency capping cannot be blank
1367pacing cannot be blank
1369missing advertiser filter failure
1370list cannot be empty
1371report request is missing required dimension: {{dimension}}
1372missing ad group id
1373failed to get report
1374currency service failure
1376pagination is not allowed for {{operation}}
1377failed to delete user permanently
1378failed to delete user roles for all dimensions permanently
1379operating user not set
1380cannot make a koddi group advertiser
1381internal admin missing client id
1382cannot delete this user because it is in use
1383failed to retrieve funding types
1384user id does not match session user
1385could not retrieve funding types for member group id {{memberGroupId}}
1386failed to get advertiser balances by funding type
1387funding category type is invalid
1388failed to parse date
1389failed to create default bidding configuration
1391failed to retrieve brand theme
1392Cannot delete default themes
1393failed to delete brand theme
1394budget type is not valid for media plan
1395failed to create campaign
1396failed to create brand theme
1397failed to update brand theme
1398failed to update media strategy {{mediaStrategyId}}
1399failed to create media strategy
1400uber api rate limit failure
1401failed to retrieve fund balances
1402base bid is invalid because of automation state
1403could not retrieve funding types
1406failed to decode JSON response from server response
1407failed to generate report
1408failed to retrieve pending spend orders
1409failed to truncate pending spend orders
1410failed to save member group funding type associations
1411failed to update member group funding types: {{reason}}
1412failed to create member group finding type association
1413no funding types for member group found
1414no balances for advertiser found
1415failed to retrieve tactic channel
1416failed to retrieve terms and conditions
1417failed to retrieve member group types
1418invalid funding type: {{given_id}}
1419invalid transaction
1420advertiser balance funding type not valid for member group
1421not enough balance to debit
1422failed to debit
1423user is not pending
1425could not retrieve user advertiser associations
1426advertiser name {{ad_name}} already exists in member group {{member_group_id}}
1427failed to add balance event
1428failed to add advertiser balance
1429failed to get member group funding type by advertiser
1430failed to add transaction log
1431failed to retrieve halo type
1432failed to retrieve attribution type
1433could not find halo type
1434could not find attribution type
1435cognito error, {{cognitoErrorCode}}: {{cognitoMessage}}
1436a non disabled halo_type can not be updated
1437failed to retrieve halo types by member group {{memberGroupId}}
1438could not find halo type for member group {{memberGroupId}}
1439failed to retrieve default halo types
1440could not find default halo types
1441failed to convert data to timezone
1442failed to retrieve attribution types
1443failed to retrieve spend limits
1444failed to validate ad group ids exists in given advertiser id
1446failed to create spend limit
1447failed to generate ad group entities report
1448spend limit request is malformed
1449failed to retrieve spend limit timeframe
1450spend limit cannot be negative
1451received failure from ledger api
1452spend limit time frame does not exist
1453failed to retrieve entity attributes by member group {{memberGroupId}}
1454failed to retrieve enriched spend limits
1455failed to update a spend limit
1457too many request to spend limit process
1459failed to upsert feed ingestion event chunk due to error: {{errorMsg}}
1462failed to activate event with id {{eventId}}
1463failed to fail event with id {{eventId}}
1464failed to end event with id {{eventId}}
1466failed to get internal id and name keys for event {{eventId}}
1467member group name cannot be empty
1468site name cannot be empty
1469failed to update a budget
1470failed to retrieve member group sites
1471no member group sites found
1472failed to save koddi member group entity
1475invalid event id
1478invalid filter field
1480ad groups cannot be set to active when their parent campaign is paused
1481failed to retrieve the campaigns' advertisers
1482invalid campaign for advertiser
1483failed to retrieve ad groups for campaigns
1484failed to retrieve unique statuses
1485cannot manually edit the status of Pending or Ended campaigns and ad groups
1487failed to adjust ad groups
1488failed to retrieve campaign children budget sum
1489failed to retrieve campaign budgets
1490campaign budget cannot be below children's budget sum
1491failed to validate campaign budget adjustment with children sum
1492cannot change campaign budget for ended campaign
1493failed to retrieve ledger response
1494missing required start and end dates
1497failed to retrieve feed ingestion ineligibility processing event
1498could not find feed ingestion ineligibility processing event
1499feed ingestion ineligiblity processing job must be active to be processed
1500invalid member group and/or site for feed ingestion ineligibility processing event
1501invalid site for member group
1502failed to process feed ingestion ineligibility processing event
1503file was empty
1504failed to insert active feed ingestion ineligibility processing
1505failed to create site association
1506failed to retrieve feed ingestion event
1507could not find feed ingestion event
1508failed to disable cognito user
1509Failed to get active events by file path
1510Active Feed Ingestion Events already exist for file path: {{filePath}}
1511adgroup must be valid when allselected is true, name: %s campaignId: %d"
1512failed to retrieve targeting match types
1513cannot modify industry
1514cannot modify is demo
1515cannot modify default currency
1516cannot modify time zone
1517cannot modify member group type
1518cannot modify channel
1519cannot modify name
1520there were no campaigns to update
1521failed to retrieve targeting dimension
1522could not find targeting dimension
1523a targeting dimension with that name or parameter name already exists
1524failed to save targeting dimension
1525invalid targeting dimension parameter name
1526failed to retrieve targeting operators
1527failed to retrieve targeting dimension by member group id
1528failed to retrieve targeting report
1529failed to retrieve targeting options
1530empty result for this member group id and targeting id
1531failed to delete targeting dimension options
1532failed to delete targeting dimension
1533failed to delete targeting options
1534invalid targeting match type
1535targeting option already exists
1536failed to create targeting option
1537failed to set client targeting is updating flag
1538targeting option with id {{targetingOptionId}} does not exist
1539failed to update targeting option
1540could not find targeting option
1541failed to validate targeting
1542invalid operator
1543empty options given with text match targeting dimension
1544options given with non-text match targeting dimension
1549failed to retrieve reporting configurations by member group
1550failed to find given file
1551failed to read given file contents
1552failed to create targeting ad group associations
1553failed to delete all targeting ad group associations
1554s3 service error: {{error}}
1555a targeting option can not have an empty value
1556a targeting option can not have an empty parameter value
1557invalid targeting dimension name
1558a targeting option must have a value or parameter value
1559invalid koddi entity for advertiser
1560invalid koddi entity for member group
1561missing label
1562no targeting options listed for text match type targeting dimension
1563failed to retrieve targeting types
1564failed to create targeting dimension targeting type associations
1565failed to retrieve attribute types
1566multiplier target value be a whole number
1567multiplier target value be in the range 1 to 1000
1568boost target value cannot be more than two decimal places of precision
1569boost target value must be in the range {{minBid}} to {{maxBid}}
1570failed to retrieve target type and targeting dimensions association
1572failed to create industry
1573could not find industry
1574failed to create publisher group
1575failed to retrieve publisher group
1576could not find publisher group
1577failed to create publisher
1578failed to retrieve tactic channel
1579could not find tactic
1580failed to retrieve channel
1581could not find channel
1582could not find tactic channel
1583failed to save tactic channel publisher association
1584member group name already exists
1585failed to post member group entities
1586the user does not have access
1587the user needs to set permanent password
1588api users are not permitted to login when permanent password has been set
1589failed to retrieve publisher
1595could not find currency conversion rate to USD
1596could not find minimum entity coefficient
1597failed to retrieve minimum entity coefficient
1599could not find coefficients for entity id %d
1602user is missing api only flag
1603failed to retrieve pcl
1604member group creation with more than one internal site id
1605failed to create member group entity attributes
1606failed to replace member group entity attributes
1607failed to retieve feed ingestion event remaining
1608failed to retrieve pcl mappings csv file
1609advertiser minimum bid is nil
1610failed to convert currency code: {{currencyCode}}
1611could not find terms and conditions
1612failed to parse entity coefficient s3 path
1613failed to save entity coefficients from s3
1614failed to get member group basic entities
1615failed to read the basic entities csv file
1616failed to get file from S3