

advertiser_idintThe advertiser ID
namestringThe advertiser name
member_idintThe member ID
descriptionstringThe advertiser’s description
ad_categoryad category objectThe ad category of the advertiser
idintThe ad category ID
namestringThe ad category name
parent_idintThe ad category parent ID
child_idintThe ad category child ID
agency_namestringThe agency name
timezonetimezone objectThe timezone of the advertiser
idintThe timezone ID
namestringThe timezone name
utc_offsetfloatThe timezone utc offset
utc_offset_dstfloatThe timezone utc offset dst
currencycurrency objectThe currency of the advertiser
idintThe currency ID
namestringThe currency name
codestringThe currency code
symbolstringThe currency symbol
contact_namestringThe contact name
contact_address1stringThe contract address first line
contact_address2stringThe contract address second line
contact_citystringThe contact city
contact_countrystringThe contact country
contact_statestringThe contact state
contact_zipstringThe contact zip
contact_emailstringThe contact email
deletedboolThe deleted flag
statusstringThe status. A new advertiser should always have a status of pending
is_demoboolthe flag indicating whether the advertiser is a demo advertiser. Demo advertisers do not produce billable spend.
created_atstringThe date time the advertiser was created
last_modifiedstringThe date time the advertiser was last modified
last_edited_byintThe ID of the user to last edit the advertiser
member_group_idintThe member group ID the advertiser is in
entity_countintThe count of entities in the advertiser
advertiser_group_idintThe advertiser group ID

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