Campaign - Experiences


idintThe id of the campaign
advertiser_idintThe advertiser ID of the campaign
experience_idintThe experience ID of the campaign
namestringThe name of the campaign
start_datestringThe start date of the campaign
end_datestringThe end date of the campaign. If always_on is set to false, this parameter is required. If always_on is set to true, this parameter can be blank or omitted.
always_onboolThe flag that indicates whether the media will always be on once the start date is reached, or if the media will have an end date.
is_auto_bidboolThe automation for base bid flag
enable_frequency_cappingboolThe frequency capping flag
frequency_cappingstringThe frequency capping amount
pacingstringThe pacing type. Possible values: Evenly, ASAP
budgetobjectThe budget details of the campaign
typestringThe type of budget
amountfloatThe budget amount
primary_goalobjectThe primary goal for the campaign
typestringThe goal type. Possible values are ROAS, GRE, Spend, and Volume.
valuestringThe goal value
insertion_orderobjectThe object containing the details for the insertion order or purchase order relevant to the campaign.
line_item_idintThe ID for the line item associated to the campaign.
purchase_order_numberstringThe number for the purchase order associated to the campaign.
metadataobjectThe campaign metadata

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