Ad Group - Experiences - Partial

Note: The bidders and targeting provided in this call will overwrite the bidders and targeting that already exist for the ad group.


idintThe id of the ad group
campaign_idintThe campaign of the ad group
advertiser_idintThe advertiser id of the ad group
namestringThe name of the ad group
start_datestringThe start date of the ad group
end_datestringThe end date of the ad group
statusstringThe ad group status
always_onboolThe always on flag
is_auto_bidboolThe bid automation flag controlled by campaign
base_bidobjectThe base bid details of the ad group
amountfloatThe base bid amount
typestringThe base bid type (CPC, CPM, CPA)
budgetobjectThe budget details of the ad group
typestringThe type of budget
amountfloatThe budget amount
targetingobjectThe targeting for this ad group
typestringThe type of targeting (right now it is only user targeting)
valuefloatThe setting value
settingsarray of objectsThe list of targeting settings
targeting_dimension_idintThe targeting dimension id
valuefloatThe targeting value
optionsarray of objectsThe targeting options
biddersarray of objectsThe array of bidders for the ad group
idbig intThe bidder id (koddi entity id)
amountfloatThe bid amount. This overrides the base bid for the ad group if set but inherits the base bid type.
attribute_key_valuesarray of stringsThe array of values used for advertiser attribute halo attribution
errorobjectThe object containing the details of any errors that may have occured with the call
errorstringThe error message
codeintThe code corresponding to the type of error
payloadarray of stringsA list of error messages describing which validations failed, in addition to the first error message
metadataobjectThe ad group metadata

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