Campaign Structure

The Koddi Ads system provides a full featured campaign management experience (see the Campaign Management section of the Features and Benefits guide). In addition, every capability within Koddi Ads is available as an API service, making it easy to integrate into existing or future platforms – both within your existing platforms or with external third parties.

Level Summary

Advertiser Groups

An advertiser group is a higher level grouping of advertisers. An advertiser group can have multiple advertisers.


An advertiser is the thing advertising. Generally a commercial company that holds an advertising budget.

Media Plans

A media plan is the overall advertising strategy against a set budget, flight dates and goal.

Line Items

A line item is a sub-level of the overall media plan budget broken down by region, targeting, etc. Commonly used as part of agency Insertion Orders.


A campaign is a set of advertisements that are intended to achieve a particular goal. A line item can have multiple campaigns.

Ad Groups

An ad group contains one or more ads that share similar targets. A combination of budget, bid, targeting, and entities. This level is what gets entered in the auction, each campaign can have multiple ad groups.


An entity is the actual thing being advertised (product, hotel, restaurant, etc.). Entities with bids are referred to bidders in the Delivery + Collections API reference. Entities have an ID (Entity ID) which must be of data type bigint.


A target is the thing the entity is being targeted to. A campaign can have multiple targets.


A assets is the thing the entity is shown to the end user (image, text, video, etc.).


Look like too much for your use case?

Good news - the campaign structure is configureable! Your Koddi team can help you remove levels you may not need (or add them back later when/if you do).