This endpoint allows you to upload an inventory feed to the Koddi platform.
This endpoint requires authorization via an authorization header. Please work with the Koddi team to receive credentials that can be used in the Sessions - Token endpoint. Details for this sessions endpoint can be found here.
Please note:
- The request payload type must be "form data" instead of JSON
- The file must be a CSV.
- The CSV can have any name.
- There are two options for feed ingestion:
- Overwrite the entire feed with a new file (recommended). For this option, make sure the type parameter is "Full". This will be the default option if no priority parameters are specified.
- Only edit or add a specific number of bidders. For this option, make sure the type parameter is "Change". Missing records from the file will not be removed from the active feed.
- Files will be processed immediately.
- Only one file should be passed at a time (per site). If multiple files are passed in a rapid sequence, the files will be processed in order and the last file will become the source of truth.
- Product attributes in the feed can be used for category filtering. The column name in the feed must match the parameter name in the winning ads call EXACTLY (including case) to work.
See the Inventory Feeds documentation for more details.