Ad groups can be used by advertisers in order to assign a specific strategy to a group of entities or to targeted audiences.

Characteristics that be managed through Ad Groups:

  • Budget Amount
  • Base Bid
  • Start/End Date
  • Targeting
  • Entities

Ad Groups audiences can be stacked: an entity can belong to multiple Ad Groups, with various bids targeting different audiences.


Use Cases

  • As an advertiser, I want to target New Users with a higher base bid, because this audience is more valuable to me than existing users. So I will create two Ad Groups, one with a base bid of $1, targeting New Users, and one with a base bid of $0.75, targeting All Users.

  • As an advertiser, I have two brands with different funding. So I will create two ad groups, one with a weekly budget of $600, and one with a weekly budget of $200.

Whatโ€™s Next

To find out how to set up an Ad Group