Creating an Ad Group

Ad groups can be used by advertisers in order to assign a specific strategy to a group of entities or to targeted audiences.

You will reach the Ad Group Configuration Page if you click on "Save and Continue" after creating or editing a campaign.

Step 1 - Configure your Ad Group parameters

Ad Group Parameters
Ad group name
E.g., Brand A Ad Group, New Users Ad Group...

Base Bid
The base bid is the the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad, it will be applied to all entities allocated in this Ad Group, which have the toggle "Base Bid" turned on.

Budget Amount
The budget amount has to be above 0 and below the campaign budget.

Budget Type
This parameter can only be edited at the campaign level.

Start & End Date
The Ad Group start and end date are defaulted to the campaign settings. They can be edited as long as they remain within the flight range of the campaign.


When you fill in each parameter, you are welcome to refer to other ad groups' parameters, by scrolling down the set up page. You will see a list of all existing ad groups within the campaign, and their own set up parameters.
You can also refer to the campaign parameters at the top of the Ad Group configuration page.

Step 2 - Allocate Entities

You can then click on Manage Entities>All Entities and select the entities that you want to allocate to the Ad Group, then click Apply. There is no limit to the number of entities that can be added.

Step 3 - Add Assets (Optional)

Assets are content pieces that make up your ad. Assets could include images, videos, text, links and more that come together (depending on the ad format) to make up the ad that is shown to a potential customer. These assets play a vital role in capturing the attention of the audience and conveying the intended message. They should be carefully crafted to engage, inform, and persuade potential customers.

Step 4 - Set Up Targeting (Optional)

The Ad Group that you have created can also be designed to target specific audiences.


Ad Group Use Cases

  • As an advertiser, I want to target New Users with a higher base bid, because this audience is more valuable to me than existing users. So I will create two Ad Groups, one with a base bid of $1, targeting New Users, and one with a base bid of $0.75, targeting All Users.

  • As an advertiser, I have two brands with different funding. So I will create two ad groups, one with a weekly budget of $600, and one with a weekly budget of $200.